Sara Verosky

  • Associate Professor of Psychology

Areas of Study


  • BA, Cornell University, 2004
  • PhD, Princeton University, 2012


My research uses behavioral and neuroscience techniques to investigate human face perception.  My lab focuses on two questions: how we form impressions of other people based on facial appearance and how becoming familiar with people changes the way we process their faces.

Among other courses, I teach a first-year seminar on creativity, Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience, a combined lecture-laboratory course on cognitive electrophysiology, and a senior seminar on social neuroscience.

**Corresponding author, *Student co-author

  • Verosky, S. C.**, Nishiura, H.*, O’Brien, L.*, Liu, H.*, & Aggadi, N.* (2024).  Learned trustworthiness does not have the same influence on implicit responses measured via fast periodic visual stimulation as face trustworthiness.  Psychophysiology
  • Stein, T., Tyack, L.*, & Verosky, S. C.** (2021).  Sorry, baby: Infant faces reach awareness more slowly than adult faces.  Emotion, 21, 823-829.
  • Verosky, S. C.**, Tyack, L.*, & Martinez, J. E. (2021).  The group extremity effect: Group ratings of negatively and positively evaluated groups of faces are more extreme than the average ratings of their members.  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 96, 104161.
  • Verosky, S. C.**, Zoner, K. A.*, Marble, C. W.*, Sammon, M. M.*, & Babarinsa, C. O.* (2020).  Familiarization increases face individuation measured with face periodic visual stimulation.  Biological Psychology, 153, 107883.
  • Verosky, S. C.**, Zoner, K. A.*, Marble, C. W.*, Sammon, M. M.*, & Babarinsa, C. O.* (2020).  Implicit responses to face trustworthiness measured with face periodic visual stimulation.  Journal of Vision, 20, 29.

Fall 2024

Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience — PSYC 210
Advanced Methods in Cognitive Electrophysiology — PSYC 307
Teaching Assistant — PSYC 500
Supervised Research in Psychology - Full — PSYC 510F
Supervised Research in Psychology - Half — PSYC 510H
Senior Portfolio — PSYC 599

Spring 2025

Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience — PSYC 210
Advanced Methods in Cognitive Electrophysiology — PSYC 307
Seminar in Social Neuroscience — PSYC 420
Teaching Assistant — PSYC 500
Practicum in Psychology — PSYC 501
Supervised Research in Psychology - Full — PSYC 510F
Supervised Research in Psychology - Half — PSYC 510H
Senior Portfolio — PSYC 599


Health for All

June 20, 2023

Annie Griffith turned to Montana to serve in a fellow Obie’s reproductive health clinic.