Rudabeh Shahid


  • Visiting Assistant Professor of Politics

Areas of Study


  • PhD, School of Government and International Affairs (SGIA), Durham University(UK)
  • MA, School of Global Studies, University of Sussex(UK)
  • BA, Middlebury College


Dr. Rudabeh Shahid is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Politics at Oberlin College. Most recently, she was a Postdoctoral Fellow/ Visiting Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science at the New College of Florida. Prior to that, she held another Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Department of Politics, University of York (UK). Dr. Shahid is also a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the South Asia Center of the Atlantic Council, where her portfolio includes geopolitical, ethnic and migration issues in Bangladesh, Myanmar, and India. Additionally, Dr. Shahid is a Senior Consultant at the European Institute for International Law and International Relationsin Brussels.

Dr. Shahid is a multidisciplinary scholar who studies South Asia combining the lens of political science, anthropology, and history. Over the years, her research has focused on civil society in post-partition South Asia and wider international relations of the region, including the situation concerning the ongoing Rohingya refugee crisis and issues of statelessness developing in India’s north-eastern state of Assam. Beyond academia, Dr. Shahid has published in various international policy and media outlets including at the Atlantic Council, NBC News, the Diplomat, the East Asia Forum, South Asian Voices, 9DashLine, and E-International Relations. Additionally, her opinions have been cited by global news outlets including at the Washington Post, Now This News and PBS Newshour. 

  • South Asia’s geopolitics and conflicts
  • Ethnic identities and minority affairs
  • Citizenship and statelessness
  • Migration and refugee issues

  • “Deprivation of Citizenship as Colonial Violence: Deracination and Dispossession in Assam” (w/ Joseph Turner); Journal of International Political Sociology; Volume 16, Issue 2, June 2022<>
  • “Revisited: Partition and the Bengali Muslims of India”; The Geopolitics; August 2022
  • “Bangladesh’s Manoeuvring of Climate Change Geopolitics” (w/ Sirazoom Munira);9DASHLINE; July 2022
  • “India’s Bangladeshi Bogeyman”; East Asia Forum; July 2022
  • “Explained: Why religious fault lines are emerging in Tripura”;; October 2021
  • “Unclear objectives undermine the QUAD’s potential”;Part of “Experts react: The September 2021 White House QUAD meeting”; Atlantic Council; September 2021
  • “Reconsidering India’s ‘Population Policy’ through a Regional Perspective”; E-International Relations; September 2021
  • “Debate over vaccines and a weak showing on human rights”; Part of “Experts react: EU and India clash on vaccines, make strides on trade”; Atlantic Council; May 2021
  • “The Biden administration must incorporate India’s provincial elections in West Bengal and Assam into its South Asia foreign policy”(w/ KaveriSarkar); Atlantic Council; April 2021
  • “Myanmar coup and Aung San Suu Kyi’s arrest presaged by world ignoring Rohingya genocide”;NBC News;February 2021
  • “A coup in Myanmar”; Atlantic Council; February 2021
  • “Defusing Bangladesh’s Covid-19 Time Bomb” (w/ Irfan Nooruddin); Atlantic Council; March 2020
  • “Understanding India’s Citizenship Controversy” (w/ Champa Patel); Atlantic Council; March 2020
  • “Assessing the treatment of Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh”; Atlantic Council; September 2019