Liberal Arts Means Business
February 6, 2015
Amanda Nagy
For students selected for Oberlin’s Business Scholars program, a liberal arts background gives them a distinct edge in the world of finance and investment banking.

When it's Time to Ask What's Next? the Answer is Dana Jessen
October 17, 2014
Conservatory Communications Staff
Oberlin’s director of professional development helps students chart their post-conservatory course.

Oberlin Takes Manhattan... and Cleveland and San Francisco
March 6, 2014
Amanda Nagy
Two whirlwind networking tours. Ten days with theater and performing arts alumni in New York. A month with business and finance alumni in three cities. A small investment, big dreams realized. This is how Oberlin does intensive.

What I Did on My Summer Vacation
September 5, 2013
James Helmsworth
From brushing whales’ teeth to writing for Rolling Stone, summers find Oberlin students enhancing their educations, careers, and sometimes both at the same time.

Putting Tracks to Wax
August 2, 2013
James Helmsworth
Though new technology has revolutionized media consumption, recent graduate Adrian Rew has started a business using something far older—vinyl records.

Oberlin Business Scholars Celebrates 10 Years
January 11, 2013
Amanda Nagy
What are liberal arts students doing in the finance industry? For Obies, it’s serious business.