Reborn Herbarium is a Boon to Biodiversity
July 19, 2018
Amanda Nagy
Professor Michael Moore hopes his collection of preserved plants will get more students interested in studying and connecting with nature.
Bringing Science to Life Through Journalism
June 19, 2018
Hillary Hempstead
A love of the sciences, paired with a stint at the Oberlin College Library, led Dyani Sabin to a career in science journalism.
Kate Frost ’15 Tackles Medical Goals
July 17, 2017
Tyler Sloan
Kate Frost ’15 majored in biology and neuroscience and minored in chemistry. The Oberlin alum knew early on that she was on a science track. Today she’s completing her first year of medical school at Vanderbilt University.
Imagining a New School Through the Woodrow Wilson Academy Design Fellowship
June 5, 2017
Hillary Hempstead
Xavier Tirado ’17, a biology and sociology double major, and Jason Heitler-Klevans ‘17, a physics major, have both received Woodrow Wilson Academy Design Fellowships. The pair will play a...
Marie Lilly Receives Fulbright Teaching Assistantship in Colombia
May 5, 2017
Amanda Nagy
A biology major, Lilly intends to pursue the field of disease ecology in a bilingual setting.
College Awards First-Ever Nexial Prize
April 13, 2017
Communications Staff
Senior Adam Chazin-Gray will receive $50,000 to use toward research and graduate studies in climatology, microbiology, and public health.
Medicine, Magic, and Witchcraft… Oh, My
April 3, 2017
Amanda Nagy
Classics meets the history of medicine in 2017 Oberlin-in-London program.
Two awarded summer research opportunity with Howard Hughes Medical Institute
May 25, 2016
Amanda Nagy
Bradley Hamilton and Jennifer Jimenez will spend 10 weeks working on cutting-edge projects with HHMI scientists.
Closing the Loop on West Nile Virus
October 8, 2015
Amanda Nagy
Following a decade of collaborative research, professors Mary Garvin and Rebecca Whelan are closer to understanding why mosquitoes forage on particular species of birds involved in the West Nile Virus cycle.
Raptor Watch
September 28, 2015
Kasey Cheydleur
Steph Szarmach ’15 looks to the San Francisco Bay Area skies to gain field biology experience.