
Winter Term: Psychological Factors on COVID-19

October 1, 2020

Yvonne Gay

Many areas of the country saw significant drops in pollution levels when stay-at-home orders were put in place several months ago. The effects on the atmosphere suggested to Devin Williams ’21 that there might be other factors to investigate. He joined a team of students who assisted Professor of Psychology and Environmental Studies Cindy Frantz in a project that would lead to the study of COVID-19 on psychological factors.

A lake with the reflection of trees.

Winter Term: Butterflies, One of Nature’s Flashiest Pollinators

September 14, 2020

Yvonne Gay

Mary Perchlik adores butterflies. That interest led to her month-long project in August, which combined the study of butterflies on a species level while maintaining a broader focus on environmental systems that support butterflies and their interactions between different plants, insects, and habitats.

A girl stands in an open window.
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