Campus News

Who is Sandra Austin?

January 19, 2021

Amanda Nagy

Portrait of Sandra Austin.
Sandra Austin, CIT help desk coordinator.
Photo credit: Bryan Rubin '18

Countless students, staff, faculty, and retired employees have interacted with this cheerful personality at the CIT Help Desk. If you have any kind of computer issue, Sandy Austin will support you every step of the way. Get to know more about the Help Desk hero in this installment of Who Am I?

Name: Sandra Austin

Job title and department: Help Desk Coordinator, CIT in Mudd Center

What does your job entail? My job is to assist students, staff, faculty, faculty emeritus, and retirees with issues related to email, computers, and software, and also setting up Macs for new employees and upgrading for existing employees. The Help Desk employees student assistants that work closely with me. 

How long have you been at Oberlin? I have been at Oberlin 24 and 1/2 years—25 in September

Hobbies or personal interests? Spending as much time as I can with my grandchildren, and redecorating our home. I also just started in real estate.

Favorite food? Peanut butter cookies. Blue Rooster Bakery makes the best.

Favorite place to visit? The Outer Banks in North Carolina. We do our family vacations there each year with my kids and grandkids. 

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