Campus News

Who is Sally Moffitt?

January 3, 2022

Yvonne Gay

A portrait of a woman.
Sally Moffitt, administrative technician.
Photo credit: Tanya Rosen-Jones '97

Since beginning her career at Oberlin College more than 16 years ago, Sally Moffitt has held positions in several departments. After spending 11 years with the Allen Memorial Art Museum, she recently took a position with the Counseling Center. Learn more about Moffitt in this installment of Who Am I?

Full Name: Sally J. Moffitt

Department and location on campus? The Counseling Center located in Dascomb Hall Suit B

Job title? Administrative Technician

What does your job entail? I make counseling and psychiatry appointments for students. I also serve as office manager.  

How long have you been with The Counseling Center? Since September 2021

I understand you previously worked at the Allen Memorial Art Museum (AMAM). What was your role there? I was the administrative assistant at the AMAM for almost 11 years. I was the main support to the director and staff. 

Do you have a favorite artist? Monet and Gauguin. I love Monet’s use of pastels in some of his paintings. Gauguin loved the beach as much as I do, I think.

How many years have you worked at Oberlin? I’ve been at Oberlin for 16 years, but I also worked a few years at different offices in the temp pool. I started at Oberlin in Career Services, now known as the Career Development Center. I also held positions with the Oberlin Center for Technologically Enhanced Teaching (OCTET), The College of Mathematics Journal, and the Comparative Literature Department.   

Best advice someone ever gave you? “You should book a beach vacation.”

Favorite movie? It seems like all my husband and I do is watch movies now that there’s so many Apps to choose from. I think this is an impossible question, but the most recent movie I enjoyed was Argo, which was about a scheme to get some hostages out of Iran. It was based on a true story. I’m a sucker for “based on a true story.” 

Favorite place in Oberlin and why? The Feve. Love the food and the atmosphere.

Favorite childhood memory? My parents and I would go to Florida during Christmas break every year, and I just loved getting out of the cold and swimming and basking in the sun!  

Best vacation ever and why? Riviera Maya with my husband and all three of our children—it was just us and no one else. I really got to know them as adults, and we had so much fun together!

Any recent achievements you would like to tell us about? My daughter got married, and we love our new son-in-law! It's not really my achievement but she is a good person and found a good person, so I must have done something right? 

Hobbies? I have so many hobbies sometimes I don't have time for life! I’m obsessed with knitting. The beach is a hobby of mine also, I can never say no to a beach vacation. I love to cook. I eat very healthy and feel it's the only way to know what’s going into my body. I used to run but my body is saying no to that lately so pilates, yoga, and some tabata workouts will have to suffice. 

Nickname(s)? Mustang (as in Mustang Sally), Sal, Salamander, and Mom 

Favorite food? Ohio sweet corn 

Favorite quote or personal philosophy? "Laughter is the best medicine."


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