Campus News

What’s in Your Backpack?

April 7, 2016

Communications Staff

Senior Elana Meyers sees backpacks just about everywhere on campus: hanging from the backs of chairs, strewn on the library floor, serving as pillows in Wilder Bowl. And seeing so many backpacks made her wonder: What’s in an Oberlin student’s backpack anyway? So she took out her video camera and took to Mudd to ask a few of her peers what they were toting. See what she found by visiting the Oberlin College YouTube page.

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This Week in Photos: Inside, Looking Out

January 8, 2021

This snowy rearview look at Wilder Bowl and Mudd Center is through a second-story window in Peters Hall. Images in the This Week in Photos series give visitors a look through tall, arched, paned, and stained glass windows and into picturesque views of Oberlin's campus throughout the year.

A snowy view of trees, a building, and person standing on a pathway.

Where Am I?

July 9, 2020

Some of the best spaces in Oberlin are the ones that invite visitors to sit and relax, explore, study, play, and gather. Can you guess the name of this space and where it is located?

Two long rows of clothing hanging up on long pipes.

Mail Art

June 3, 2020

A remote workshop given by the Clarence Ward Art Library and Special Collections introduced the Oberlin community to the mail art movement.

An envelope with ink stamps.