Campus News
New Campus Shuttle Offers Greater Accessibility
September 27, 2017
Communications Staff

Students will have a new way to get around campus beginning on Monday, October 2, 2017. A campus shuttle will begin weekday service between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m. and will operate on a loop, stopping at various campus locations approximately every 20 minutes. The ADA accessible shuttle is free for anyone with an Oberlin College ID.
The shuttle’s introduction is in response to student feedback and requests for improved campus accessibility, particularly with buildings and businesses on the edges of campus.
“We have a number of students who do not have cars or the ability to drive,” says Thom Julian, director of student conduct and community standards. “Walking, especially during the winter, can be unrealistic when it comes to utilizing Student Health or the Counseling Center or when picking up prescriptions from CVS and shopping at IGA. The shuttle service will go a long way in providing accessibility.”
The current list of shuttle stops includes: Wilder Hall, Student Health/Counseling Center, Philips Physical Education Center, Dascomb Hall, Stevenson Hall/Multicultural Resource Center, CVS, Slow Train, IGA, and Forest Street.
Depending on the success of the service, the shuttle could be expanded to off-campus locations such as Crocker Park, and the hours may also be extended. The size of the shuttle may also increase to accommodate more riders.
“We are going to be assessing the shuttle throughout the fall semester and plan to address expansions during winter term,” says Julian.
To track the shuttle and view an up-to-date route map on your smartphone, download the Ride Systems app from the Apple App Store or Google Play. When using the app for the first time, search and select "Oberlin College" as the transit agency.
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