Campus News

Fall Term Finals

December 13, 2016

Office of Communications

A student reads, curled up in a ball chair
Ball chair in Mudd Library
Photo credit: Courtesy of Oberlin College

As fall semester comes to a close, Mudd Center library's iconic chairs fill with students preparing for final examinations. Known as “womb” chairs in Obie-speak, but actually called “ball” chairs by Finnish designer Eero Arnio, these chairs provide students an inviting place to study, read, or just escape.

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Commencement and Milestone Reunion 2022

June 7, 2022

The campus was abuzz this past weekend as alumni, families, and students took part in the return of several Commencement/Reunion Weekend traditions that included a performance by OCircus!, senior conservatory students, and Illumination in Tappan Square.

Graduation caps with flowers on them.

This Week in Photos: Perfectly Pitched

June 1, 2022

Students in the Class of 2022 walk down a shaded pathway that joins a large tent nestled in a backyard on Forest Street. They will soon be welcomed by their host, President Carmen Twillie Ambar, into a spring day senior garden party.

Students along a covered platform.

This Week in Photos: Hello Spring!

May 25, 2022

It’s a warm day in Wilder Bowl and the Oberlin community is making the most of it. Some have chosen to spend the day with friends, study, or just have fun like these two handstanding students who also serve as inspiration for this week’s photo series

Two students do handstands on a lawn.