Campus News

Read feature, general interest, and campus-based news stories about the Oberlin College campus community.

Q&A with Josh Matos

November 4, 2019

Communications Staff

As area coordinator for the senior year experience and student conduct coordinator, Matos works in the Office of Residential Education Housing. Find out about Matos' career aspirations at age eight and their favorite movie of all time.
Josh Matos

Q&A with André Douglas

October 28, 2019

Communications Staff

As area coordinator for multicultural and identity-based communities, Douglas works in Residential Education and Dining Services. Find out about the best advice he's ever been given and which concert he flew to San Francisco to attend.
André Douglas

Q&A with Jimmy Bowen

October 21, 2019

Communications Staff

The graduate resident coordinator for theme and identity-based communities works with four residence halls on campus.
photo of Jimmy Bowen


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