Campus News
Veterans’ Trailers at Oberlin College
November 8, 2019
Communications Staff
‘‘In Oberlin History’’ is a series dedicated to notable events in Oberlin College history. After the end of World War II, trailers served as temporary places of residence for the influx of veterans on campus.
Q&A with Josh Matos
November 4, 2019
Communications Staff
As area coordinator for the senior year experience and student conduct coordinator, Matos works in the Office of Residential Education Housing. Find out about Matos' career aspirations at age eight and their favorite movie of all time.
Former Staff Member Carol Ganzel Dies
October 30, 2019
Communications Staff
The former Office of Communications staff member was 88 years old.
Q&A with André Douglas
October 28, 2019
Communications Staff
As area coordinator for multicultural and identity-based communities, Douglas works in Residential Education and Dining Services. Find out about the best advice he's ever been given and which concert he flew to San Francisco to attend.
The Inauguration of Ernest Hatch Wilkins
October 23, 2019
Communications Staff
‘‘In Oberlin History’’ is a series dedicated to notable events in Oberlin College history.
Q&A with Jimmy Bowen
October 21, 2019
Communications Staff
The graduate resident coordinator for theme and identity-based communities works with four residence halls on campus.
Continued Collaboration Between Oberlin, Great Lakes Science Center, on Environmental Dashboard
October 17, 2019
Communications Staff
Interactive components of the exhibit, including two new screens, went live at the science center in October.
John Brown’s Raid on Harpers Ferry 160 Years Ago
October 16, 2019
Communications Staff
‘‘In Oberlin History’’ is a series dedicated to notable events in Oberlin College history. In October of 1859, abolitionist John Brown led a party of 22, including three Oberlinians, on the raid of a United States arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia.
Q&A with Ilianna Velez
October 10, 2019
Communications Staff
Meet the assistant director of the Multicultural Resource Center and find out what she considers her favorite place on Earth.
Updates to Winter Term 2020 Build a Robust On-Campus Experience
October 7, 2019
Hillary Hempstead
New group projects and student support services enhance the on-campus experience.