Campus News

Alan Carroll ’58, Kendal Resident and Friend of College, Dies

June 21, 2019

Communications Staff

Alan Carroll poses in black and white photo wearing dark shirt.
Alan Carroll ’58

Alan Carroll ’58, a Kendal at Oberlin resident and friend of the college, has died.

Carroll came to Kendal with his wife Polly in 2003 following his retirement from a career in experimental physics at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in Long Island, New York. Having developed an interest in peace making during his time on Long Island, Caroll looked for ways to continue that pursuit in Oberlin. Along with students and other community members, he created a series of ExCo courses to consider, plan, and model a peace studies program at Oberlin, which led to the Peace and Conflict Studies Concentration.

Carroll could often be seen at the corner of Tappan Square to vigil for peace and protest the injustices of the day, eliciting honks from passing motorists.

More details about Carroll’s life and obituary will be shared once they become available.

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