2022 Winter Term Recap

March 11, 2022

Office of Communications

A student works in a lab surrounded by books and instruments.
Students in biology professor Mike More’s lab undertake a plant systematics project during Winter Term.
Photo credit: Yvonne Gay

More than 2,290 students explored projects and research opportunities outside of their normal course of study during Winter Term. In this wrap-up gallery we look back at some of the group projects students performed.

Oberlin’s Winter Term allows students to participate in on- or off-campus intensive group projects offered by faculty and staff. Students may develop independent study or research projects, complete internships, or undertake rigorous personal development projects. This year, from January 25 to February 17, group projects included such offerings as Practicum in Museum Education to Exploring Marginalized Music to Congressional and hospital internships.

In this video we recap some of the projects students explored. Visit Oberlin’s Flickr page for more photos and videos.


Winter Term 2022

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