Faculty and Staff Notes

Sarah Hamill Organizes Workshop

April 11, 2014

Sarah Hamill, assistant professor of art history, helped organize a workshop on the photography of sculpture. Sponsored by and held at The Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles, the workshop took place on January 16 and 17. The workshop was written up in VIEWS, the newsletter of the Visual Materials section of the Society of American Archivists.

Kate Jones-Smith Presents with Students

April 11, 2014

Visiting Assistant Professor of Physics Kate Jones-Smith, along with fourth-year physics majors Kathryn Hasz and Jocienne Nelson, recently attended the regional Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics held at Pennsylvania State University, from January 17 to 19. Both students presented the results of their honors research projects (Hasz, "Polarized Analyzed Small Angle Neutron Scattering of Magnetic Nanoparticles," with advisor Professor of Physics Yumi Ijiri and Nelson, "Overtone Spectroscopy of Adsorbed Hydrogen in Metal Organic Frameworks" with advisor Professor of Physics Stephen FitzGerald.) Hasz came in second place for Best Talk at the Conference.

Stiliana Milkova Organizes Seminars

April 10, 2014

Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature Stiliana Milkova organized two two-day seminars on "Frames in Literature and Across the Arts" at the convention of the American Comparative Literature Association at New York University, which ran from March 20 to 23. She also presented a paper on literary frames in Gogol, Tolstoy, and Dostoevsky. 

Steve Crowley Discusses Ukraine

March 19, 2014

Professor of Politics Stephen Crowley has given two radio interviews recently on the situation in Ukraine. On March 19, he discussed developments in that country on WEOL’s Morning Show When asked if his knowledge of the region had allowed him to sense a crisis was coming, Crowley said, “I don’t think anybody predicted exactly what would happen in Ukraine. But there’s always been tension, particularly centered around Crimea, between Russia and Ukraine.” Noting that Crimea had long been a part of Russia and that its populace is overwhelmingly Russian speaking and Russian oriented, Crowley said “Putin and Russia have seen Crimea as a special case” and that he doesn’t expect Russia will press militarily any further into Ukraine. Crowley’s entire interview is archived on the WEOL website. On February 26, Crowley joined two other panelists for a segment on WCPN’s The Sound of Ideas titled “What Next in Ukraine,” which can be accessed on WCPN’s website.”

Nancy Darling Coauthors Award Winning Paper

March 18, 2014

Professor of Psychology Nancy Darling is a coauthor of a paper that was awarded the Albert Bandura Award For Excellence for graduate research by Psi Chi, the international honor society in psychology, and the American Psychological Society. The award was given for the paper “Rejection sensitivity and (mis)perceptions of romantic ” which will be presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence’s biennial meeting, taking place March 20 to 22 in Austin, Texas. A collaborative research project with Jerika Norika, Joe Salvatore (a graduate student at the University of Tennessee), Deborah Welsh, and Nancy Darling, the paper began as Jerika’s master's thesis project. Jerika traveled to Oberlin last spring to learn some advanced statistical techniques and consult on the project, completing the work over the summer.

Richard Salter Leads Workshop at Hebrew University

March 13, 2014

Professor of Computer Science Richard Salter, along with Wayne M. Getz, A. Starker Leopold Professor of Ecology at UC Berkeley, and alumnus Nick Sippl-Swezey ’11, led a five-day workshop in February on the use of modeling in conservation ecology at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Twenty ecology professionals—faculty members and graduate students from research institutes across Israel—attended the workshop, the goal of the which was to introduce Salter's Nova modeling platform.

M. Garrett Roth Participates in Conference

March 12, 2014

Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics M. Garrett Roth participated recently as a paper presenter, chair, and discussant at the Public Choice Society's 2014 Conference, held March 7 to 9 in Charleston, South Carolina.

Ann Cooper Albright Publishes, to Teach MFA Candidates this Summer

March 12, 2014

Professor of Dance Ann Cooper Albright's latest book, Engaging Bodies: The Politics and Poetics of Corporeality, not only has a photo of Cooper Albright dancing with her students on the front cover, but it also is dedicated to her students. The book was officially launched at the joint conference of the Society of Dance History Scholars and the Congress on Research in Dance, held in November 2013. This summer, she will join the Hollins University MFA faculty teaching studio and theory courses.

Sonia Kruks Speaks about Simone de Beauvoir

March 5, 2014

Sonia Kruks, Robert S. Danforth Professor of Politics, recently presented an invited paper at the University of Manchester, England. The paper was a contribution to a “theory intensive” master class for faculty and graduate students, titled “On Beauvoir.”  It discussed Simone de Beauvoir’s reflections on the desire for revenge after the Nazi occupation of Paris. The event was held on February 20, 2014, and was organized by the university’s Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Arts and Languages (CIDRAL). Kruks also presented an invited symposium paper, “Simone de Beauvoir, Political Philosopher,” at the 110th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association, held in Baltimore from December 27 to 30, 2013.