Faculty and Staff Notes

Barbara Sawhill Presents Research

December 8, 2016

Barbara Sawhill, assistant professor in the Department of Hispanic Studies, presented her research at the American Association of Spanish and Portuguese Annual Conference and in a webinar at the Anne Arundel County Public Schools in Maryland. Her research is focused on how teachers use the award-winning Spanish language podcasts produced by Radio Ambulante.

Barbara was recently named the Spanish Language Education Coordinator for Radio Ambulante, where she shares her expertise in language learning and pedagogy.

Marco Wilkinson Publishes Essay

December 8, 2016

Marco Wilkinson, managing editor of Oberlin College Press and instructor of RHET 307 From Nature Writing to Ecopoetics, published a lyric essay in DIAGRAM 16.4.

Matthew Senior Presents Invited Paper

December 8, 2016

Ruberta T. McCandless Professor of French Matthew Senior presented an invited paper, “Taxonomy: Human and Animal Patterning, 1485-1760,” at the Patterns in Early Modern France conference in Lisbon, Portugal.

Shelley Lee Coauthors Op-ed

December 8, 2016

Shelley Lee, associate professor of history and comparative American studies, coauthored the op-ed “Renewing Alliances in Troubled Times” for Inside Higher Education.

Sheila Miyoshi Jager presented lectures and conducted a workshop in UK

November 29, 2016

Professor of East Asian Studies Sheila Miyoshi Jager presented lectures on her new book project The Other Great Game: The Opening of Korea and the Birth of Modern East Asia, 1876-1905 at the University of Cambridge, the University of Oxford and the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.

Prof. Jager conducted the workshop on 24 Nov at the University of Cambridge on "War, Empire, and Modern Korea" based on her previous work Brothers at War: The Unending Conflict in Korea.

Kirk Ormand elected board member for Society for Classical Studies

November 22, 2016

Professor of Classics Kirk Ormand has been elected to the Board of Directors for the Society for Classical Studies. The SCS (formerly the American Philological Association) is the primary professional organization in North America for scholars of ancient Greek and Roman literature, language, history, and culture, and it cooperates with the Archaeological Institute of America in the study of ancient Mediterranean archaeology. Prof. Ormand’s term begins in January 2017 and will last for three years.

Ann Cooper Albright presents keynote talk and workshop in Seoul, Korea

November 21, 2016

Professor of Dance Ann Cooper Albright in October gave a keynote entitled "Moving with the Other: embodied research at the intersection of dance and anthropology" for the International Symposium of the Korean Society in Dance in Seoul, Korea. While in Seoul, she also gave a workshop in contact improvisation in the Department of Dance, School of Fine Arts at Kook-Min University.

Jim Walsh presents at Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics conference

November 14, 2016

Professor of Mathematics Jim Walsh gave a mini tutorial titled Conceptual Climate Models at the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics conference, Mathematics of Planet Earth Conference held in Philadelphia. SIAM mini tutorials are presented to highlight a future direction or emerging area within applied mathematics. Walsh also co-organized a mini symposium at SIAM MPE16 titled Mathematics and Conceptual Climate Models.

On October 18, Walsh presented his current research in the Mathematics of Climate Seminar in the School of Mathematics at the University of Minnesota. In September, Walsh gave an invited talk in the Department of Mathematics at Boston University on recent work concerning a mathematical model of the glacial cycles.

Sheila Miyoshi Jager Appears on PBS American Experience Documentary

November 4, 2016

East Asian Studies Professor Sheila Miyoshi Jager consulted for and appears on the PBS American Experience documentary The Battle of Chosin—American-led United Nations troops were outnumbered and at risk of annihilation at the Chosin Reservoir by the sudden entrance of the People's Republic of China into the five-month-old Korean War. Available for viewing at PBS.org.