Faculty and Staff Notes

Eboni Johnson Edits Book

September 6, 2017

Outreach & Programming Librarian Eboni A. Johnson ’97 edited a book called Librarian as Mentor: Grow, Discover, and Inspire which was published in July 2017. Librarian as Mentor explores, in a highly readable fashion, the many ways mentoring can be an effective tool in recruiting, retaining, supporting and developing a diverse workforce in any library setting. Johnson assembled 14 librarians to share personal experiences on career positive outcomes from being a mentor as well as a mentee. Topics include peer mentorship, intentional mentoring, mentoring the new generation, and mentoring community advocates.

More information about this book, and other titles in the Peak Series, is available on the Mission Bell Media website.

Chris Cotter Presents at Aspen Institute

August 30, 2017

Assistant Professor of Economics Chris Cotter was invited to participate in an Aspen Institute program on integrating liberal arts and business with Lori Young, director of the career development center, and Bara Watts, director of LaunchU. 


Kirk Ormand Performs in Messenian Theater

August 30, 2017

Professor of Classics Kirk Ormand had a small role in a multi-lingual dramatic production at the site of ancient Messene (Greece). The play, Μεσσηνιακά· Εἰρωονεῖες τοῦ Πολέμου (The Messenian Affair: Ironies of War) was written by Giannis Lignadis, based on book four of Thucydides’ History of the Peloponesian War, and was directed by Giannis Panagopoulos. The play was the second in the series Thucydides Dramaticus: The Theater of War, and was produced by the Hellenic Education Resource Center (HERC) in conjunction with ΔΙΑΖΩΜΑ, the Deme of Messene, the Ephoreia of Messenian Antiquities, and with support from the Greek Archaeological Service. Performances took place on August 12 and 13 in the ancient Messenian theater, which was built in the early 4th century BCE and excavated in the late 20th century by Professor Petros Themelis of the Greek Archaeological Service, to whom the play was dedicated.

A much larger and more important role was played in the drama by fourth-year Tara Wells, who had lines in ancient Greek and was a member of the women’s chorus.

Naomi Campa Performs in Messenian Theater

August 30, 2017

Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics Naomi Campa had a small role in a multi-lingual dramatic production at the site of ancient Messene (Greece). The play, Μεσσηνιακά· Εἰρωονεῖες τοῦ Πολέμου (The Messenian Affair: Ironies of War) was written by Giannis Lignadis, based on book four of Thucydides’ History of the Peloponesian War, and was directed by Giannis Panagopoulos. The play was the second in the series Thucydides Dramaticus: The Theater of War, and was produced by the Hellenic Education Resource Center (HERC) in conjunction with ΔΙΑΖΩΜΑ, the Deme of Messene, the Ephoreia of Messenian Antiquities, and with support from the Greek Archaeological Service. Performances took place on August 12 and 13 in the ancient Messenian theater, which was built in the early 4th century BCE and excavated in the late 20th century by Professor Petros Themelis of the Greek Archaeological Service, to whom the play was dedicated.

A much larger and more important role was played in the drama by fourth-year Tara Wells, who had lines in ancient Greek and was a member of the women’s chorus.

Sheila Miyoshi Jager Interviewed on Truth, Politics, and Power

August 24, 2017

Professor of East Asian studies Sheila Miyoshi Jager talked to Neal Conan, host of the program Truth, Politics and Power that is broadcast on NPR around the country, about the history of the unending Korean War.  The episode aired on August 17, 2017.

Ron Cheung Interviewed

August 22, 2017

Associate Professor of Economics Ron Cheung was interviewed by City Lab, a publication of the Atlantic, about the history of homeowners associations in "When the City Sells Your Street."

Alysia Ramos Performs Choreography

August 9, 2017

Assistant Professor of Dance Alysia Ramos performed her choreography Time Certainties Peace on July 25, 2017 at the World Dance Alliance Global Summit in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.

Isabella Moreno Interviewed

August 3, 2017

Isabella Moreno, interim director of the Office of Disability Services, was interviewed in Diabetes Forecast for an article about managing diabetes at college.

Martin Saavedra Presents Paper

August 3, 2017

Economics Assistant Professor Martin Saavedra was invited to present his paper, “The 1918 Influenza Pandemic and the Fetal Origins Hypothesis: Evidence from Linked Data," at a workshop hosted by National Association of Economic Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts.