Faculty and Staff Notes

Yumi Ijiri Coauthors Article

March 30, 2018

Professor of Physics Yumi Ijiri coauthored an article, "Spin canting across core/shell Fe3O4/MnxFe3-xO4 nanoparticles," published in the journal Scientific Reports.  Ian Hunt-Isaak ’17 and Hillary Pan ’17, are coauthors, and the work was completed in collaboration with scientists at Carnegie Mellon University, Daresbury Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, University of Manitoba, and University of York.

Kathy Abromeit Publishes

March 29, 2018

Kathy Abromeit, public services librarian in the conservatory library, published “Peer Instruction in the Oberlin Conservatory Library: Three Models of Engagement” in Ideas, Strategies, and Scenarios in Music Information Literacy. Highlighted in the publication are activities of the conservatory library's student reference assistants.

Kimberly Jackson Davidson Serves on National Higher Education Committee

March 29, 2018

Ombudsperson Kimberly Jackson Davidson is serving on the Higher Education Committee of 50, also called “Forward50.” This national committee is comprised of forward-thinking higher education leaders who are tasked with producing practical policy solutions and recommendations for members of Congress.

Nicholas Jones Publishes

March 28, 2018

Nicholas Jones, professor emeritus of English, has published A Poetry Precise and Free: Selected Madrigals of Guarini (University of Michigan Press, March 2018). Giovanni Battista Guarini, one of the most noted poets of 16th-century Italy, wrote hundreds of madrigals—that is, short lyric poems—that were widely read in their own right and also served as the texts for musical madrigals composed by the greatest composers of the day, including Claudio Monteverdi.

Jones’ project, begun during a sabbatical from Oberlin in 2001-02, gives these poems new life by translating them into contemporary English poetry: the book contains 150 of Guarini’s madrigals in the Italian and in Jones’ poetic translations, with a brief commentary on each poem. An introduction places Guarini’s poetry in its social and cultural context, both poetically and musically, and an appendix lists the many musical compositions derived from these madrigal poems.

More information is available at the University of Michigan Press website.

Paul Brehm Participates as Presenter, Session Chair, and Discussant

March 27, 2018

Assistant Professor of Economics and Environmental Studies Paul Brehm participated as a paper presenter, session chair, and discussant at the annual Midwest Economics Association convention in Illinois.

Marco Wilkinson Presents on Conference Panel

March 20, 2018

Marco Wilkinson, managing editor of the Oberlin College Press presented at the national 2018 AWP creative writing conference. Wilkinson spoke on intersections of mindfulness, collaboration, and coexistence in the nature-writing classroom on the panel, "Beyond the Workshop Model: Innovations in the Creative Nonfiction Classroom."

Andrew Pau Delivers Paper on Debussy

March 19, 2018

Oberlin Conservatory associate professor of music theory Andrew Pau presented a paper at a conference at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester, England on March 19, 2018. The five-day programClaude Debussy in 2018: a Centenary Celebration, marks the 100th anniversary of Debussy's death on March 25, 2018. Pau joins guest speakers from 13 countries who explore Debussy’s editions and sketches, critical and interpretative approaches, textual and cultural-historical analysis, and his legacy in performance, recording, composition and arrangement. His paper, "The Six épigraphes antiques and Debussy’s (Re)compositional Process," addressed Debussy’s "Style in History."

Kathy Abromeit Presents

March 19, 2018

Kathy Abromeit, public services librarian in the conservatory library, presented “Creating Neural Pathways with Mindfulness: Music Information Literacy and the First-Year Music Student” at the annual meeting of the Music Library Association. The meeting took place from January 31 to February 4, 2018, in Portland, Oregon.