Faculty and Staff Notes

Matthew Wright Directs World Premiere

October 26, 2018

Matthew Wright, professor of theater, directed the world premiere of Everything is Okay (and other helpful lies), co-written and co-composed by Cleveland-based artists Melissa T. Crum and Caitlin Lewins. The musical runs October 26 through November 10, 2018, at Cleveland Public Theatre.

Sam Shonkoff Presents Colloquium

October 25, 2018

Visiting Assistant Professor of Religion and Jewish Studies Sam Shonkoff was a 2018 Shneer Fellow at University of Colorado, Boulder, from October 22 through 25, 2018. During his fellowship, Shonkoff presented a faculty and staff colloquium "From the Frankfurt Lehrhaus to Havurat Shalom: Fellowship, Renewal, Counterculture" about his archival work with the Zalman M. Schachter-Shalomi Papers, which are held at the university.

Matthew Rarey Invited to Seminar Series

October 24, 2018

Matthew Rarey, assistant professor of art history, is one of a select group of scholars invited to participate in "Black Modernisms," a two-part seminar series taking place in October 2018 and April 2019 at the Center for Advanced Studies in the Visual Arts (CASVA) at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC. The seminars are part of CASVA's new initiative to support research on African-American and African art.

Matthew Senior Contributes Chapter

October 24, 2018

Matthew Senior, Ruberta T. McCandless professor of French, contributed a chapter,“Classify and Display: Human and Animal Species in Linnaeus and Cuvier,” to Animals, Animality and Literature, Bruce Boehrer, Molly Hand, and Brian Massumi, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2018. The essay examines the intersection and overlap between systems of classification for plants and animals and those used to classify humans according to racialized anatomical differences. For this article Senior consulted rich holdings in natural history in the Special Collections department of Oberlin Libraries, including a famous illustration from the work of Linnaeus depicting intermediate species between Homo sapiens and members of the ape family.

Bautista, Fraser, and Kerchner Present at Conference

October 23, 2018

Three faculty members presented "Transformative Imaginations: Decarceration and Liberatory Futures" at the October 2018 Imagining America National Conference in Chicago. The faculty were: Jody Kerchner, professor of music education, director in the division of pedagogy, advocacy, and community engagement, and community-based learning/research faculty fellow; Jennifer Fraser, associate professor of ethnomusicology and anthropology; Adrian Bautista, comparative american studies and senior associate dean for strategic initiatives.

Matthew Rarey Delivers Lecture

October 19, 2018

Matthew Rarey, assistant professor of art history, delivered an invited lecture, "Glimpsing the Flight from Enslavement" at DePaul University in Chicago on October 18. The lecture was sponsored by the university's Department of the History of Art and Architecture, the Department of African and Black Diaspora Studies, and the Center for Black Diaspora.

Patrick Simen Gives Talk in Cognitive Forum Series

October 16, 2018

Associate Professor of Neuroscience Patrick Simen gave a talk "Evidence for continuous, online adaptation of decision biases, geared toward reward maximization" for the Cognitive Forum series in Michigan State University's Psychology Department.

Tania Boster Presents

October 16, 2018

Tania Boster, director of the Bonner Center's curricular initiatives, presented on transnational partnerships for community-based learning and research at the Association of American Colleges & Universities' (AAC&U) October 2018 Global Engagement and Spaces of Practice conference in Seattle.

Michael Parkin Receives National Science Foundation Grant

October 15, 2018

Michael Parkin, professor of politics, has received a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to study candidate use of the internet during the 2018 congressional campaign. This is the fifth NSF grant that Parkin and his co-authors James N. Druckman (Northwestern) and Martin Kifer (High Point University) have been awarded for their work on congressional campaign behavior and its impact on voting and representation.