Musical Pathways
Eight minors and concentrations bridge the College and Conservatory.

Double-degree alumnus Daniel Spearman ’16, a prolific trumpeter, pianist, composer, and bandleader, performs at an Oberlin Jazz Society jam session.
Photo credit: Jack Lichtenstein ’23
Program Descriptions
The synergy between Oberlin’s college and conservatory is one of a kind. Rooted in interdisciplinary research and multimedia practice, an array of curricular pathways invites students to explore the art, business, culture and technology of music. These specially crafted academic pathways draw on a range of disciplines and are open to students in both the college and conservatory. Each pathway offers a unique course of study encompassing both well-established and emerging fields.
Music Minor
The minor in music is designed for College students who want to structure and organize their studies in the Conservatory during their time at Oberlin.
Music and Cognition Minor
For students interested in studying the science of how music gets inside our heads and influences our thoughts and feelings.
Music and Popular Culture Minor
For students interested in learning about how music, across history and across the globe, shapes and is shaped by the society.
African American Music Minor
This interdisciplinary minor examines the rich history, cultural significance, and musical styles and forms cultivated by the African American community.
Interdisciplinary Performance Minor
What does it take to perform? What is the nature of a performance? Students will explore the experience and philosophy of performance by taking performance classes across the arts (music, theater, dance, creative writing) and athletics.
Arts and Creative Technologies Minor
For students eager to explore how past, present, and future technologies can inspire and be inspired by art. The fundamental question students will explore is how technology sparks the artist’s imagination and provide a medium of expression.
Arts Administration and Leadership Concentration
Whether you want to work in a museum or for an orchestra, start your own music ensemble or film company, or launch an arts-related organization or non-profit, this integrative concentration will give you foundational knowledge that you can apply broadly.
Concentration in Pedagogy, Advocacy, and Community Engagement
The PACE integrative concentration fosters the development of student musicians as artist-citizens who embrace their responsibility to connect with local and global communities through music.
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Music Events
Faculty Recital: Thomas Bandy, voice & cabaret
Details: Date, Time, and Location
7:30 pm EDT -
David H. Stull Recital Hall - Webcast Available
Junior Recital: Catherine Zhou, flute & Ellison Allen, flute
Details: Date, Time, and Location
7:30 pm EDT -
Warner Concert Hall - Webcast Available
XARTs/Grindlay Grants - Info Session
Details: Date, Time, and Location
12:15 pm to 1:00 pm EDT -
Bibbins Hall