Leah Crowther ’21


  • Assistant Director of Admissions


As a city girl hailing from Los Angeles, California, the question I get most is “What are you doing in Ohio?” I fell in love with Oberlin the first day I visited; that day, I played with clay at the Pottery Co-op, watched an acapella performance outside of the library, attended a class in the philosophy department, swam in a pond at the Arboretum, and ate a meal with students in the African Heritage House dining hall. As a student, I participated in varsity lacrosse, took a class on knitting, studied away in Berlin, Germany and Cape Town, South Africa, and assisted a professor in the politics department with research. So, the answer is I do quite a bit in Ohio!

I graduated from Oberlin in 2021 as a politics major with minors in law and society and gender, sexuality, and feminist studies. I was a student at Oberlin during the COVID-19 pandemic and before, so I feel uniquely experienced in Oberlin’s ever-changing culture, and I love nothing more than changing people’s perspectives on rural Ohio. Upon graduating, I applied to be an admissions counselor so I can continue to help students from all walks of life find their home in Oberlin. 

Apart from the admissions office, you can often find me at the gym, behind a sewing machine, or in Mudd reading in a womb chair. Please contact me with any questions, from class recommendations to advice on how to dress for winter (Hint: scarves are more important than you think!)


California, Minnesota