Office of Residence Life
Spring Opening
New Student Check-In
- New students should come to Residential Education office located in Stevenson Hall-Griswold Commons for OCID (Oberlin College ID Card) and other information on 2/16/22. The hours for check-in are 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Residence Hall and Dining Hall access is provided via the OCID.
Students Returning From Leave
- Students returning from leave should come to the Residential Education office located in Stevenson Hall-Griswold Commons on 2/17/22 to pick up their room keys and reactivate their ID card. The check-in hours are 12 noon to 4:30 p.m.
Information for New Students and Students Returning from Leave
- Students who arrive to campus when the Residential Education office is closed, should notify the Office of Campus Safety and an officer will let them into the building and room. Please be ready to present a form of ID to the officer. Students should then check in officially at the office of Residential Education the following day, during normal business hours.
Students who were on campus for fall semester and who are returning to campus at the end of winter term, may arrive to campus on 2/17/22. They do not need to check-in at the office of ResEd, as their ID Cards will already be activated. Please contact the office if you have questions, are experiencing problems with access to the living space during winter term.
Any student who was on campus in the fall who needs to arrive to Oberlin before 2/17/22 for purposes of finishing their winter-term project or who is a student-athlete returning early per the request of their coach need to complete the Winter Term Housing Form .