
Our Neurodivergent World: The Role of Neurodiversity and Neurodivergence in our Campus Communities

Date, time, location

Thursday, August 22, 2024
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm EDT

Additional details

Register for the Event

Staff and Faculty are invited to join Career Exploration and Development for a workshop on understanding neurodiversity in today's higher education landscape, facilitated by the staff of Landmark College. Space is limited so please register ASAP! You will recieve a Zoom meeting link once registered.

Many educators are aware of the concept of neurodiversity and are eager to understand how to support students with varying academic and behavioral needs and preferences. This presentation will help attendees learn to differentiate between the terms “neurodiversity” and “neurodivergence,” as well as demystify neurodivergence at large. Following a general introduction to each of these terms, more common neurodivergent profiles—such as ADHD, autism, and learning disabilities—will be briefly discussed, with an emphasis on behavioral observation. The session will then transition into immediately implementable strategies that can be utilized to support the ND population in campus spaces beyond the classroom. Content will cover a combination of theory/background knowledge and actionable steps with an emphasis on real world understanding
and application.

This event is sponsored by a grant from the Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges.

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