
Mathematics Colloquium: Federico (Fred) Galetto

Date, time, location


Thursday, March 7, 2024


4:30 pm EST


King Building, 239

10 N. Professor St.
Oberlin, OH 44074

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Please join the Math department in welcoming Fred Galetto as he will give a talk on "Jets of graphs"

Abstract - Jets can be thought of as "dynamic" points that carry, in addition to positional data, information such as velocity, acceleration, etc. The jets of a geometric object (such as a curve or surface) form a space that can be defined by explicit equations. When the equations are squarefree monomials of degree two, they are naturally associated to graphs. This allows us to define a notion of jet graphs that can be studied combinatorially. After introducing the basics of jets, I will present some results about jet graphs motivated by questions of combinatorial commutative algebra.

A reception will be held before at 4PM in King 203, followed by the talk in King 239.

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Details: Date, Time, and Location

  • Time

    1:00 pm to 5:00 pm EST
  • Location

    Mudd Center, Seeley G.