
Reading and Book Signing with Chanda Feldman and Elizabeth Lindsey Rogers

Date, time, location


Thursday, September 26, 2024


4:30 pm to 6:00 pm EDT


Nancy Schrom Dye Lecture Hall

119 Woodland St.
Oberlin, OH 44074

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Chanda Feldman (she/her) is the author of Glance (LSU Press, 2024), which received the L.E. Phillabaum Poetry Award, and Approaching the Fields (LSU Press, 2018). Her poems have appeared in AGNI, Harvard Review, Poetry, the Southern Review and other journals, and her work is featured in anthologies such as This Is the Honey: An Anthology of Contemporary Black Poets and The Best American Poetry. Feldman has received a National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellowship, the Wallace Stegner Fellowship from Stanford University, and an Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Award. Other honors include fellowships and residencies from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, the Bread Loaf Bakeless-Camargo Foundation in France, the Cave Canem Foundation, Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris, the Djerassi Resident Artists Program, the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, Loghaven Artist Residency, MacDowell, and the Vermont Studio Center/John Pavlis Fund. Feldman is currently the Eric and Jane Nord Associate Professor of Creative Writing at Oberlin College.

Elizabeth Lindsey Rogers (she/they) is the author of two poetry collections, The Tilt Torn Away from the Seasons and Chord Box, and a nonfiction collection, Miss Southeast: Essays. Her poems have appeared in POETRY, AGNI, Guernica, Gulf Coast, Guernica, Beloit Poetry Journal, Bennington Review, and elsewhere. Her creative nonfiction can be found in Best American Nonrequired Reading, Best American Travel Writing, The Missouri Review, Lithub, Prairie Schooner, and The Rumpus. She has received fellowships from the Kenyon Review, the Virginia Center for Creative Arts, DC Commission of the Arts, the Spitsbergen Artists Center, Oberlin Shansi, and elsewhere. Rogers is an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at Oberlin College, where she also leads the Writers in the Schools Program. She lives in Oberlin with her wife and two children.

Refreshments will be served in Perlik Commons.

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Details: Date, Time, and Location

  • Time

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