
Chalk Mural

Date, time, location


Sunday, September 15, 2024


7:30 pm to 9:00 pm EDT


Mudd Center, Seeley G., Contemplation Garden

148 W. College St.
Oberlin, OH 44074

Get Directions

Transform the contemplation garden’s grey wall into a work of art.

  • Work with two local artists: Terry Flores and Beth Wolosz
  • Learn all that is involved in creating a chalk mural.
  • Design and chalk the spine of our favorite book
  • Have fun, meet fellow students, and get messy.
  • Put your mark on the library, sign-up to the first ever Terrell Library Chalk Mural.

You must register to participate in each of the following:
Creating a book spine design, turning it in on time, helping transfer the design to the wall, and chalking it

Sept 15 (Sunday)
On or before September 15 you must turn in your completed sketch

Sept 17 (Tuesday)
Come and transfer your drawing to wall on the evening of Tuesday September 17. All drawing will be transferred on that night.

Sept 20-22 (Friday-Sunday)
Chalking your design
You must sign up for one of the dates above and you must finish your chalking the same day.

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Pop-in Friday

Details: Date, Time, and Location

  • Time

    12:00 pm to 3:00 pm EDT
  • Location

    Mudd Center, Seeley G.