Corey Barnes ’98

  • Robert S. Danforth Associate Professor of Religion
  • Chair of Religion Department
  • Acting Chair of German

Areas of Study


  • PhD, University of Notre Dame, 2007
  • MA, Religion, Yale Divinity School, 2001
  • BA, Oberlin College, 1998


Corey Barnes teaches in the areas of the history of Christianity, medieval philosophy of religion, and religion in the Mediterranean world. His research focuses on medieval Christianity and scholasticism.

    • Christ’s Two Wills in Scholastic Thought: The Christology of Aquinas in Its Historical Contexts (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 2012).
    Articles and Essays
    • “Theology in the Middle Voice: Thomas Aquinas and Immanuel Kant on Natural Ends,” in An Apocalypse of Love: Essays in Honor of Cyril J. O’Regan, ed. Jennifer Newsome Martin and Anthony C. Sciglitano (New York: Crossroad, 2018), pp.64-79.

    • “Incarnation,” in Bonaventure Revisted: Companion to the Breviloquium, ed. D. Monti and K. Wrisley-Shelby (St. Bonaventure, NY: Franciscan Institute Publications, 2017), pp.195-214.

    • “Aristotle in the Summa theologiae’s Christology,” in Aristotle in Aquinas’s Theology, ed. G. Emery and M. Levering (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015), pp.186-204.

    • “Thomas Aquinas’s Chalcedonian Christology and its Influence on Later Scholastics,” The Thomist 78.2 (2014): 189-217.
    • “Ordered to the Good: Final Causality and Analogical Predication in Thomas Aquinas,” Modern Theology 30.4 (2014): 433-453.
    • “Natural Final Causality and Providence in Aquinas,” New Blackfriars 95 (2014): 349-361.
    • “Necessary, Fitting, or Possible: The Shape of Scholastic Christology,” Nova et Vetera 10.3 (2012): 657-688.
    • “Christological Composition in Thirteenth-Century Debates,” The Thomist 75 (2011): 173-206.
    • “Thomas Aquinas on the body and bodily passions,” in The Embrace of Eros: Bodies, Desires, and Sexuality in Christianity, ed. M. Kamitsuka (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2009), pp.83-97.
    • “Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas on Person, Hypostasis, and Hypostatic Union,” The Thomist 72 (2008): 107-146.
    • “Thomas Aquinas on Christ’s Prayer,” in A History of Prayer, ed. R. Hammerling (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2008), pp.319-336.

    Fall 2024

    On Time — FYSP 008
    A History of Sin — RELG 215
    The Religion of TikTok — RELG 999

    Spring 2025

    Religion and Violence — RELG 103
    Apocalyptic — RELG 216