College of Arts and Sciences Admissions Office

Emily Ferrari

A female student in a brown and white shirt sitting outside.

Emily (she/they) is a fourth-year student originally from Cooperstown, NY, majoring in Environmental Studies and Biology while fulfilling the Pre-Veterinary requirements. She works on campus in Admissions Office and as a peer tutor, and is involved in Varsity Athletics as Co-Captain of the Swim team and Chair of Volunteering for the Student Athletic Advisory Committee. Emily also helps the Environmental Studies Department as a major representative and is in charge of organizing many of the department's events.

Outside of school and athletic pursuits, you can typically find Emily surfing on Lake Erie in the mornings before class or helping out at with food distributions at Oberlin Community Services. The freedom to pursue and be active in many different facets of life was a major drawing point for Oberlin and is one of the things she enjoys most about the school. In her free time, Emily enjoys drinking coffee and relaxing with friends in the numerous outdoor spaces around campus. 

After Oberlin, Emily plans to apply to Veterinary school to pursue a career as a large animal veterinarian.

Contact Emily