Campus Bulletin: Current Students, Faculty and Staff
Public Computers and Computer Labs in Fall 2020
August 11, 2020 4:15 PM
Center for Information Technology
There are many gaps in our knowledge of how COVID-19 spreads, but spending lots of time in close proximity to other people and using shared objects like computer keyboards, mice, and printers may increase the odds of transmission. CIT is rethinking how computer labs will look this year to help reduce the likelihood of a disease outbreak associated with these spaces.
Many software vendors were generous with licensing during the spring semester, and students were able to install a wide range of software on their personal computers. This may not continue to be the case going forward. This fall, we'll provide an alternative way for students to access the software currently limited to use in computer labs, limit the number of public computers available on campus, and, when computer labs are necessary, they will be de-densified and have a regular and reliable means of being sanitized.
Most lab software will be available through a "virtual computer lab." You will be able to use a web browser on your personal computer to access the software that has traditionally been available in the computer labs.
In the next few weeks, more information will be available about how to access this virtual computer lab as well as a detailed list of which physical computer labs will permit access via card swipe and which will be closed this semester. Keep an eye on the Campus Digest or visit the CIT website.
Have questions? Contact the CIT Help Desk by opening a ticket on the CIT Tech Support Portal.