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Clear filtersNotes on dancing
November 9, 2008
This weekend, being parents' weekend, saw many, many events. The one I attended today was FELL, the 2008 student dance concert, which consisted of pieces choreographed and performed solely by students.
Once upon a time in Stevenson dining hall,
November 7, 2008
We went back and forth for quite some time, coming up with quality lines for the ladies, and some lame ones as well.
Notes on an Election
November 7, 2008
So, yes, I'm eschewing that obligatory hello my name is John. I'm a blogger. I'm really cool. Here's some stuff about me post, at least for the time being. Bios are dreadfully difficult to write, and, though my fellow bloggers have been covering Oberlin's reaction to this latest election pretty darn well , I figured I might as well add my two cents.
Getting things in order
November 7, 2008
Yesterday, my friend Ezra and I put the finishing touches on our application to teach our ExCo (Experimental College) class on Experimental Typography for a second time. It was easier this time around; all we had to do was update the syllabus, update our budget request, and complete the short application from the ExCo committee. No faculty recommendations, no interviews this time. It really couldn't have been easier. That is, unless we were on the same continent.
Simplify, simplify.
November 6, 2008
I know that my many years of avoiding garden work at home would suggest otherwise, but I love biking out to the George Jones Farm to work on OSCA's small plot of land.
Oberlin Admissions Interviews International Style
November 6, 2008
When it comes to international students, almost no students have interviews. But what is an interview like when I do actually find time to offer one?
"Obama-rama" Strikes Oberlin
November 6, 2008
It is hard for me to describe the atmosphere I witnessed that night, but it was certainly nothing like I had ever experienced before. Surrounded by friends and strangers, new faces and old, it hardly mattered whether you knew the person standing next to you or not--but you were inevitably going to give them a hug.
This is me, in a nutshell.
November 6, 2008
Since you are here, I assume you are considering Oberlin as one of your college choices...good job! About me (the basics) *I'm a second year *African American Studies and Econ are what I focus my...
November 4th in Oberlin
November 5, 2008
When I tell my kids where I was when this part of history was made, I will say this: I was in Oberlin. The best place in the world.
The Obligatory Introduction
November 5, 2008
Hello! My name is Emily Robinson, and I'm a first-year.
In which I couch my indescribable joy with anxious trepidation
November 5, 2008
Like most people in America (I gather), I thought Obama was going to win but also was distrustful enough of my fellow citizens that I had to wait until it was announced on the news to believe it.
Oberlin Bloggers
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