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December 18, 2009
I will try and contain my excitement within the post, but I need to note that haven't really stopped grinning for the last few weeks, and I'm just smiling at my computer while I write this. Because Oberlin makes me happy. And so does this poster.
Re: Newt Trim
December 17, 2009
Interest piqued? The title is an anagram for something pretty awesome at Oberlin.
The Little Proposal That Could
December 15, 2009
To do: make policy for a multi-million dollar corporation, create awesome trans activism, have the dorkiest party in the world...
How Do You Know If It's the One?
December 15, 2009
I have concluded that there is no easy way to manage the college-search process. You just have to go through it.
Raising the Roof (and the funds)
December 15, 2009
How to get money at Oberlin to fund your meaningful ideas
Finals are fun!
December 15, 2009
Don't take finals period [or anything else in life] too seriously.
Things to do besides studying
December 14, 2009
We had what I think was our biggest audience ever, and then we had cake.
It's the (ExCo) Final(s) Countdown!
December 14, 2009
Our final for this ExCo was to make our own picture book, the four of us creating a fabulous story. Picture book enclosed for your reading pleasure!
Snow! Finals! Fun!
December 12, 2009
Plus a note on ObieTalk, which was written last and comes first, because it's most helpful to you prospies.
Good Night, Sleep Tight: Allen After Hours
December 11, 2009
One night a semester, the museum is open in the evening, specifically catering to students so they can visit the collection during hours that suit their schedule a little better.
A Sunday in the studio.
December 7, 2009
My hands are speckled with green, orange, and white ink as I type this.
Oberlin Bloggers
Learn about the Oberlin experience from a group of students, faculty, and staff who have a variety of perspectives about what it's like to be a part of the Oberlin community.