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Clear filtersThe Blues Dance
April 2, 2010
Blues dancing just feels natural. It's the ultimate partner dance, encouraging trust, freedom, and ridiculousness.
April Fools!
April 1, 2010
In a 4-1 vote, leaders of the universe this morning elected current Oberlin College president Marvin Krislov to the post of Supreme Leader of the Cosmos.
The Ballad of Balboa
April 1, 2010
One of the best dancers in America lives in Cleveland: Valerie Salstrom. OSwing, in its great and powerful wisdom, invited her to visit Oberlin for a weekend to teach balboa and blues.
Caution: contains Jell-O wrestling!
March 31, 2010
It's spring break. It's two in the morning. I am trying to figure out how much it will cost to fill a kiddie pool with vegan Jell-O. How did I end up here?
Mail Day! In picture form!
March 29, 2010
I know Elizabeth already gave a nice narrative about the decision letters being mailed out, but I thought you might enjoy seeing some pictures from our little celebration!
March 28, 2010
To do this, I siphon off a few milimoles of the mixture, using a lot of liquid nitrogen and a pretty intimidating vacuum system, bring it over to the GC, and shoot it through. Basically.
The Best of All Possible Worlds
March 26, 2010
Of Ohio weather, Candide, and the humor inherent in losing my voice.
The Letters are in the Mail!
March 25, 2010
The Arts & Sciences Admissions Office is celebrating today, because decision letters for this year's applicants are finally being mailed out.
Midterms, break, and what comes next
March 22, 2010
A brief update. (read: I'm procrastinating and decided to write a blog post instead of my midterm paper.)
Evenings at the Feve
March 22, 2010
When you visit Oberlin, you must eat at the Feve. The Feve isn't just a restaurant -- it's an experience.
Oberlin Bloggers
Learn about the Oberlin experience from a group of students, faculty, and staff who have a variety of perspectives about what it's like to be a part of the Oberlin community.