Oberlin Blogs

The Oberlin blogs are produced by a team of current students, faculty, and staff who offer a variety of unfiltered perspectives about the Oberlin experience. We encourage you to interact with us as we explore Oberlin and document our adventures.

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Impressions from a Yalie

March 18, 2013

Dara Lehrer

My name is Aleena, and I am a Yalie... I spent my past week visiting Dara at Oberlin, and now I'd like to share my observations, because I truly believe that Oberlin is an incredible place, and it might be interesting hear about from a non-Obie perspective.

Oberlin v. Yale

October 26, 2012

Dara Lehrer

I spent a lot of time with my nose in the air and a crick in my neck when I visited my friend at Yale this week.

Paying for College: Idealistic Alternatives

April 26, 2012

Tess Yanisch

The point of all this idealistic, semi-ideological rambling is to say that there's something a little bit broken about the way that paying for college works right now. My would-never-work-but-what-if solutions to the problem include direct loans from colleges to students and a tithe system.

How I Almost Didn't Go to Oberlin--Twice (And Why I'm Very Glad I Did)

April 6, 2012

Tess Yanisch

Perhaps it is strange that an Oberlin blogger should write about almost not coming to Oberlin, especially in a month when prospective students are trying to make their decisions about which school to attend, but I think it's important that you know that Oberlin does not have an aura of inevitability for everyone.

No Acorn Unturned

December 18, 2011

Ma'ayan Plaut

I have been told that if you see a white squirrel on an Oberlin tour, it's good luck. I never went on a tour as a pre-Obie, but I know that seeing one (or five!) in Tappan Square truly makes my day every time.


Oberlin Bloggers

Learn about the Oberlin experience from a group of students, faculty, and staff who have a variety of perspectives about what it's like to be a part of the Oberlin community.

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