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Clear filtersInsanely busy(ier than usual)
November 20, 2010
In which Tess raves about her social science classes, challenges the use of images of women in advertising, goes to a panel discussion, and learns how to sing (kind of).
Tumbling Club
November 14, 2010
The Brazilian jujitsu people call it ninja training. This is the path that led me to it.
On Bikes and Brothers
November 11, 2010
Brothers (and bikes) are pretty cool. I'm very glad I have both.
From Idea to Reality: Active Minds at Oberlin
November 8, 2010
Or, how one person and one organization changed my entire Oberlin experience for the better.
In which I discuss the moon instead of thermo
October 10, 2010
Last year, I got to play the role of a whiny, ignorant child. This year, I got to play the role of an angsty, apathetic teen. It's like I'm growing older and everything.
Festival of Culture (so as not to reproduce a similar title exactly)
September 26, 2010
When we ambled around Tappan Square, I was the head of the lion, hearkening back to the first time I did the lion dance. My lovely friend who was the tail was also the person who danced with me that first time.
A Beginner's Guide to Oberspeak, Oberlin Acronyms, and More
September 22, 2010
I learned a whole new language upon matriculating at Oberlin. Here's your crash course!
Getting Involved
August 13, 2010
If I know anything about Oberlin freshmen, you're not too preoccupied worrying about what to pack and what classes you want to take to worry about other activities at Oberlin.
No Regrets
June 13, 2010
My goal was to graduate without any lingering "I should have done X, Y and Z!" I (almost) succeeded.
Reflecting, learning, laboring
June 3, 2010
The end of the year is always a time for reflecting on what you've accomplished. Having alumni salute you for it makes those feelings all the more meaningful.
Firsts and Lasts
May 21, 2010
Not that I dislike Oberlin's small, enclosed environment. It's been an incredible space to figure out who I am, what I like, what I don't like, what matters to me, and what I want to do about it. But it is time to leave.
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