Oberlin Blogs

The Oberlin blogs are produced by a team of current students, faculty, and staff who offer a variety of unfiltered perspectives about the Oberlin experience. We encourage you to interact with us as we explore Oberlin and document our adventures.

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Steal Away

November 11, 2009

Marsha Lynn Bragg

At Oberlin, I believe the library is synonymous with academic rigor, intellectual stimulation, computers, socializing, networking, and to some degree relaxing.

Like a Toblerone.

November 4, 2009

Karl Orozco

Halloween, laughing at myself, adjusting to my new “ruggedness,” and lots of probable cavities.

Ad astra

October 28, 2009

Helena Thompson

We spent the next couple hours of the evening lying in the street, silently taking in this new gift - one blink at a time.


Oberlin Bloggers

Learn about the Oberlin experience from a group of students, faculty, and staff who have a variety of perspectives about what it's like to be a part of the Oberlin community.

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