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Clear filtersHome: Family and Landscape
July 12, 2010
I live in a beautiful part of the world. Outside, there are trees and Puget Sound; inside, there are approximately 4,000 books and a family of clever, quirky people.
Defining Oberlin (and more funny photos)
July 6, 2010
An explanation of various conceptual categories, mostly related to SF Hall, delivered with my trademark wit and witticism. Bonus: further photographic evidence that I was a very strange child!
The Hipster School?
June 28, 2010
On stereotypes, underlying truths, how college is different from high school, and why we are (and aren't) a hipster school.
Cross-College Comparisons: Caltech
June 6, 2010
And now, news from our intrepid correspondent, who has left the comfortable craziness of a small liberal arts college to brave the rather different craziness of an even smaller technical school!
The Dating Game
June 3, 2010
On dating at Oberlin, the agony and ecstasy of relationships, why I hate summer, and love. Stupid, horrible, crazy love.
On the size of the campus
May 29, 2010
The thing is, I know there are more people out there than the ones I see around all the time.
A Whirlwind Wrap-Up
May 28, 2010
The last week of my first year at college--sniff!--went by far too quickly in a blur of studying and packing. There were last hurrahs with friends and final exams. And then, quite suddenly, everything was over.
Oberlin Bloggers
Learn about the Oberlin experience from a group of students, faculty, and staff who have a variety of perspectives about what it's like to be a part of the Oberlin community.