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Clear filtersReimagining Utensils
January 21, 2011
In which I embrace my future as a possible spoon player in a bluegrass band (though it's still more likely that I will be a teacher).
Flauting Con-vention
January 19, 2011
I love flute and I love Oberlin and this is about me and my flute in Oberlin.
Oberlin is for cat lovers
December 28, 2010
After a grueling semester, sometimes I find myself only able to think about cats.
Creative Canters: Art Walk Fall 2010
December 27, 2010
A mini-stroll down this fall's art walk, a showcase of student artworks from the span of studio art classes. With many many photos!
If you give an Ali a paintbrush, some paper, and some clay...
November 30, 2010
My friend Ali is having an art show... and I'm close enough to the process to inhale the paint fumes and clay dust.
November 23, 2010
It's the same at Oberlin: you'll want to try, visit, attend, be a part of, witness as many different programs and events as possible. But some events are one-shot deals.
Cranes, construction, and color theory.
November 21, 2010
A piece from my Color Theory class inspired by construction on Oberlin's campus.
November 8, 2010
I was also prone to saying things like, "No, you have to tell me exactly where my feet and hands go in the turn, I can't just turn ."
Rock, paper, show!
November 7, 2010
A post on the art of band posters. Also, Guided by Voices really likes Miller Lite.
Oberlin Bloggers
Learn about the Oberlin experience from a group of students, faculty, and staff who have a variety of perspectives about what it's like to be a part of the Oberlin community.