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Clear filtersCome with me to an Ultimate Frisbee Tournament
February 24, 2020
♫ We are the Manti, no one can beat us! We play hard and wear Adidas! ♫
Swimming in America vs Australia
January 12, 2020
As I assume it is with all sports, swimming in America runs a lot differently to the way it does in Australia. I also assume that this difference is uniquely American, and as such will be different...
Time Management at Oberlin
December 6, 2019
With all of these resources, there is no reason a person shouldn't be able to achieve whatever they consider academic success.
A Reflection on New Beginnings
December 3, 2019
Remembering the first-morning practice of football season.
The Last Road Trip
November 10, 2019
I just experienced my last road game EVER... and it feels pretty weird.
Athletics in the Cold
October 17, 2019
It may not be easy to deal with, but it’s the life that every single Oberlin athlete chose!
My Final Fall Football Camp
August 31, 2019
I only have one shot left at playing this beautiful game.
My Last Offseason... Ever
February 28, 2019
Earlier today, I talked to some of my teammates in my graduating class about the fact that this is literally our last off-season as Oberlin football players.
Oberlin Bloggers
Learn about the Oberlin experience from a group of students, faculty, and staff who have a variety of perspectives about what it's like to be a part of the Oberlin community.