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Clear filtersThe end of the world as we know it
October 17, 2009
I turned back to my computer to further my electronic communication, and found everyone offline. So I refreshed the page. And it never came back.
Creative Writing: The Most Terrifying Application
October 14, 2009
“You have to want to be a creative writing major.” Featuring: Aries fails, the creative writing application (how, what and why), what alums do, and why classes are really hard.
A Stroll Through Oberlin History
October 7, 2009
Today marked a very exciting day for this class, since we were going on a walking tour through Oberlin's past. (Epic post plus so many photos!)
Why Creative Writing?
October 6, 2009
The truth behind one of the best reputations in the country. Featuring: fangirling over professors, cursing, fear, what a workshop is, and Writing versus English.
October 5, 2009
The class, and the Environmental Studies department, is not Environmental Science, which is the big mistake in assumption that I made going into it. I'm glad I did.
Three-Way Plug: Why Cinema Studies Was a Good Choice
September 27, 2009
So, if you want to major in cinema studies when you're done reading this post, don't say I didn't warn you. Contents are shocking and cinematic.
Time to teach
September 21, 2009
There are many opportunities at Oberlin for students interested in education. The Spanish in the Elementary Schools program, for example, has given me the opportunity to stand face-to-face with 20 real-life fourth graders.
Dazed and confused
September 6, 2009
Since several students have written about the excitement and sense of anticipation embodied in the start of the school year, I hope I won't seem too cranky in saying that Orientation always leaves me feeling at least as disoriented as the first-years.
Housekeeping, or The Secret Life of oBEErlin-ites
September 6, 2009
I mentioned before that the first few weeks of college equals '50s housewife meets college student: shopping for classes, ironing out schedules, and cleaning and unpacking all belongings, and if the weather doesn't take the temperature dip it did a few days ago, flowery dresses and sunglasses.
My schedule: no longer in flux
September 4, 2009
Every day so far, I've had something to do during every hour until ten o'clock at night.
September 2, 2009
I'm the kind of person who enjoys anticipation. I do like getting new stuff and experiencing new adventures, but I also really enjoy thinking about them before they happen.
My schedule: in flux
May 24, 2009
I'm currently signed up for four classes, only two of which are ones that I'm actually going to take.
Oberlin Bloggers
Learn about the Oberlin experience from a group of students, faculty, and staff who have a variety of perspectives about what it's like to be a part of the Oberlin community.