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December 4, 2010
Sometimes there's so much going on in a twenty-four hour period that it seems like I should just talk about my day because it gives a hint as to what's happening every day at Oberlin.
If you give an Ali a paintbrush, some paper, and some clay...
November 30, 2010
My friend Ali is having an art show... and I'm close enough to the process to inhale the paint fumes and clay dust.
Course Bylaws
November 24, 2010
A non-exhaustive compilation of rules unique to various professors I've had.
A Recipe for Registration
November 17, 2010
Two parts planning, one part flexibility, five zillion parts luck.
In which Zoë abuses the privileges that her status as a senior provides her
November 12, 2010
At the end of this semester I'll be done with my biochemistry major, and I'll have only one class left in my creative writing major. That leaves a lot of extra credits to take whatever I want.
October 24, 2010
So I read and I wrote and I did my problem set and I got nothing else accomplished, meaning that a lot of things from my to-do list have now been pushed onto my "to-do over Fall Break" list.
Thermo, thermo, thermo, thermo, Mahler, thermo...
October 1, 2010
As soon as we sat down, I was struck by the overwhelming need to pull out my thermo textbook and continue working.
Add/Dropping into a good situation
September 19, 2010
By Tuesday, I came to the realization that the combined course load was, to use a technical Oberlinian term, a shit-ton of work. A shit-ton, by the way, is a highly accurate and precise unit measuring the overwhelmingness of a given task (roughly equivalent to 17.5 shitloads, or 0.86 metric shit-tonnes).
Add/Drop Fun, As Usual
September 12, 2010
At the start of last week, I was registered for International Politics, Archaeology, and Sociology. By yesterday, I'd dropped all but one of them, leaving me with my schedule for this semester.
Why College is Different From High School
September 5, 2010
College is not practice like high school is practice.
No Regrets
June 13, 2010
My goal was to graduate without any lingering "I should have done X, Y and Z!" I (almost) succeeded.
Senior Projects: Like Cracker Jacks, or Pringles
May 23, 2010
I'm trying to legitimize my urge to play with my food, take photos, and make movies. I think my film is a good start in that direction.
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