Oberlin Blogs

The Oberlin blogs are produced by a team of current students, faculty, and staff who offer a variety of unfiltered perspectives about the Oberlin experience. We encourage you to interact with us as we explore Oberlin and document our adventures.

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Midnight Mudd

December 6, 2008

Joe Dawson

I neglected to utilize the lock on the bathroom once, and it became uncomfortably non-private in the middle of my activities within.

A Very Oberlin Thanksgiving

November 29, 2008

Ma'ayan Plaut

During fall orientation, while moving all my belongings from storage to my room, I got a phone call inviting me to Thanksgiving. And due to the sheer wonderfulness of this family, and their foresight, I accepted. I knew that my Thanksgiving would feel like home with the Albrechts.

It is all... an illusion

November 28, 2008

Ma'ayan Plaut

The real difference between seeing the dress and the show, though, is the audience. I've been in performance audiences lovingly called the "little audience that could," the small audiences that make up for lacking size with more emotion, appreciation, and gusto than a full house.

Storytelling ExCo

November 9, 2008

Ma'ayan Plaut

I had cancelled most of my plans for the weekend to write my script for cinema, and was currently completely outlined but not written. And I needed inspiration. A room full of creative souls seemed like a good place to be for two hours of my precious Sunday time.

"Obama-rama" Strikes Oberlin

November 6, 2008

Daniel Tam-Claiborne

It is hard for me to describe the atmosphere I witnessed that night, but it was certainly nothing like I had ever experienced before. Surrounded by friends and strangers, new faces and old, it hardly mattered whether you knew the person standing next to you or not--but you were inevitably going to give them a hug.

I love Halloween.

November 2, 2008

Aries Indenbaum

I went as Bettie Page, which is hard to do.... in public. For the sake of Oberlin College, I won't do too much description. Suffice to say, I looked classy.


Oberlin Bloggers

Learn about the Oberlin experience from a group of students, faculty, and staff who have a variety of perspectives about what it's like to be a part of the Oberlin community.

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