Oberlin Blogs

The Oberlin blogs are produced by a team of current students, faculty, and staff who offer a variety of unfiltered perspectives about the Oberlin experience. We encourage you to interact with us as we explore Oberlin and document our adventures.

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New York (fun) Times

December 3, 2010

Ida Hoequist

A sampling of Thanksgiving, in which my senses are assaulted, a friend's family welcomes, feeds, and houses some Obies, and I despise buses.

Miss Yanisch Goes to Washington

November 12, 2010

Tess Yanisch

At long last, the thrilling conclusion to my Fall Break adventure: the Rally to Restore Sanity! Warning: contains a ludicrous number of pictures of protest/polite-dissension signs.

Those Industrious Chipmunks

November 4, 2010

Christine Chang

Life after fall recess is that puzzling combination of stress and happiness at being stressed. I don't know how that's possible. Also: some unsolicited advice on why not to panic over course registration.

More about that fall break thing

October 29, 2010

Dan Redwood

I just spent a successful afternoon stimulating the economy. Hello, consumerism. So as I mentioned before, I've been spending the week in New York. Between hopping around from dorm room to...


Oberlin Bloggers

Learn about the Oberlin experience from a group of students, faculty, and staff who have a variety of perspectives about what it's like to be a part of the Oberlin community.

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