Oberlin Blogs

Photo Update

January 16, 2010

Zoe McLaughlin ’11

I'll write up actual information about my trip, too, but for now here's a summary in photos.

A view of a volcano from afar and on the ground. The ground is dry with patches of green
There were volcanoes. Volcanoes are awesome.
Steam rising from a hole in the ground
We took one afternoon and went to see boiling mud pots in the next town over.
Two young boys posing. One is much taller and is drinking from a cup with his arm over the others shoulder. The other boy is smiling for the photo.
There were so many kids in the town where we were. I found that they were the easiest to talk to, which probably says more about my Spanish skills than anything else.
A scorpion, the size of a pinky finger on a wall.
There were also scorpions and possible tarantulas, which was exciting. That's a chair back included in the photo, for a size reference.
A Spanish cartoon poster with the headline: "Juntos podemos evitar la influenza humana!"
A poster at the school in town.
A view of a pointed roof of a building, taken from inside another stone roof
View off the roof of the cathedral in Leon. The most artistic shot I took the whole time.

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