Oberlin Blogs

Just Another Winter Term Blog Post

February 8, 2014

Andres Cuervo ’17

Winter term, winter term, winter term. There's this feeling on campus that your winter term has to be life-defining or otherwise daunting; it feels like everyone's going to climb a mountain or do impressive scientific research or even land an internship that will open doors for the rest of their careers. But it doesn't have to all be so high-stakes (although I applaud everyone whose Winter Terms were more impressive than mine).

I went back home to LA (and missed the so-called Polar Vortex, so that's a plus). My official Winter Term Project was to finish the classes at rubymonk.com to learn the Ruby programming language. I finished the project successfully by the way, but how, you ask? By programming consistently, but at odd times of the day. Since I had no other commitments I didn't keep myself on the same schedule as I do here. Instead: sleeping through most mornings, reading and learning Ruby for the rest of the day, and watching excessive amounts of Netflix until waaay past my bed time. Repeat. Somewhere in there I would eat, and, on occasion, hang out with friends from middle school who I hadn't seen in five years. To top it off I spent the last week of Winter Term in Delaware living at my new roommate's, Ashley's, house before we drove back to Oberlin. In keeping with the short nature of my posts, I'll sum up my January in a gif for you all.

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