Why I Give

We like to say that an Oberlin education is extraordinary—and that each student experiences it differently. We can count on our students to supply the intellectual curiosity and creativity, and they count on us to help make their dreams a reality.

Oberlin is committed to providing access for every enrolled student, and we’re grateful to our many donors who help make that promise possible. Your generosity creates pivotal opportunities through support of scholarships, academic programs, and strategic initiatives. Read on to learn how supporters like you help Oberlin students thrive.

We believe in giving back to the institutions that made us who we are. We are grateful for our Oberlin experience and want others to have the same opportunities afforded to us.

Andy Bartholomew ’07 and Siena Aguayo ’10

Andy and Siena holding a baby.

I give to Oberlin because I believe in its mission—to educate and train talented students to go forth and do good in the world. Oberlin has produced generations of educators, musicians, ministers, artists, and other professionals who have made great contributions to all fields of human endeavor. I am proud to support our alma mater and its unique position as an outstanding liberal arts college and conservatory of music.

Wendell P. Russell, Jr. ’71
Past President, Oberlin Alumni Association

Wendell Russell, with palm trees in the background.

In different decades and with different academic and other interests, we each made Oberlin our own. We give because it changed all of us for the better at pivotal points in our lives.

Andrea Lehman ’83, Andy Rowan ’83, Emma Rowan ’12, Willa Rowan ’15

The Lehman family on a trip.

I would not be the musician or arts educator I am today without the scholarships and financial aid I received while a student at Oberlin. I am proud to be able to give back as an alum and support future music lovers! 😀

Teagan Webb ’20

I look forward to supporting Oberlin as it moves forward into its next era.

James Wylde ’82

Thank you for making Oberlin College the best learning space for my daughter.

Luz Martin Del Campo (P’22 )

I give in memory of Professor Jesse Rowsell, who made an immeasurable impact on our lives.

Erica Zheng ’17 and Santino Stropoli ’18

The education and lessons received from Oberlin continue to illuminate my path in our world.

Richard Wolfson ’81

I am forever thankful for the excellent academic background I was able to acquire at Oberlin College.

Patricia C. Gloster-Coates ’60

I give because Oberlin provided me with a foundation of liberal arts education that prepared me for the future.

Tommye Casey ’69

I give back to Oberlin because as a student, I found a home there, surrounded by peers who were just as eager to gain hands-on experience in research, scholarship, creative work, and performance. Since graduating, Oberlin has remained a home for me in the form of alumni events and through connecting with classmates. Through gifts to the Oberlin Annual Fund, I’m able to continue supporting a culture that cultivates curiosity and helps students master the tools necessary to engage with humanity’s most urgent challenges, debates, and artistic frontiers.”

Krisanto S. Pranata ’89

Krisanto Prinata on a pedestrian bridge in a city.

We give to Oberlin to invest in a college that has given our son experiences and opportunities to grow and learn, to follow his dreams and launch his career—and we want others to have those incredible opportunities as well. We believe in the value of liberal arts education to teach individuals how to think and analyze information and make creative leaps to solve problems. Oberlin students and professors from all over the world and all walks of life work through innovative programs to learn how to think about the world in new, optimistic, and insightful ways in order to lead the way toward a more just, equitable, and exciting future.”

Ken and Laura Norris (P’23)

The Norrises with their son, who is wearing an Oberlin baseball uniform.

To support access to the life-changing programs in and especially out of the classroom.

Meg Reitz ’06 and Jonny Roodenburg

I wouldn’t be the person I am today without Oberlin!

Beth Barclay ’91

A thank-you for the life-changing education I received at Oberlin.

Carol Gruen ’59

The four years at Oberlin, 1956-1960, changed my life toward social responsibility, human relations, service, and scholarship.

Karl DeLong ’60

Jan WeintraubOberlin is where I grew up. The people, the courses, the professors, the culture, dorm life, working on WOBC and the Review, a short stint on Student Senate…. I was there during the “demonstration years,” the height of the anti-war protests, holding the Navy recruiter in his car, social rules protests, the assassinations of Dr. King and Bobby Kennedy, the unspeakable Kent State tragedy and our moving Mozart response in D.C., the end of wastebaskets in the door and three feet on the floor, the beginning of co-ed dorms. Oberlin was one of the only times I won something: second place in the dorm lottery when I chose the second-floor tower room in Talcott. I give so today’s students will have their own version of the life-changing experiences I had, to shape them into alums who will better our world.

Jan Weintraub Cobb ’71, Incoming President, Oberlin Alumni Association

Our son is truly enjoying his experience as a freshman at Oberlin – both academically, socially, and as a student in the Conservatory studying classical guitar. He made a perfect decision when he decided to attend Oberlin.

Ron and Amanda Schollenberger (P’27)

I am a graduate of the Conservatory of Music and have been the solo English Horn player in the Los Angeles Philharmonic since 1988. I attribute part of my success to the invaluable education and training I received at Oberlin.

Carolyn M. Hove ’80

Oberlin College helped me to launch my career in medicine, and I am deeply appreciative of the students, faculty, facilities, and supportive staff. I have numerous enduring memories of the academic, social, musical, and athletic elements since graduating in 1978.

Curtis Johnsrude ’78

I remember Professor Young mentoring me in poetry with respect, and thank him for his support through the years and his superb contributions to poetry and poetry in translation. Inspiration was always there and it changed my life.

Cynthia Hogue ’73

The reason we give to Oberlin is entirely due to its people. The faculty are deeply engaged with their students, and it is one of the few undergraduate programs we found where sophomores get to work on research projects and learn lab principles.

The administration has put so much thought into the Oberlin experience, and to that point has developed a key series of integrative concentrations where students can focus on global health, data science, arts administration, or even business, while still experiencing that legendary Oberlin liberal arts education.

Finally, we give for the students. When we visit and walk around the stunning campus: hearing Steinways played in every practice room, cheering on a lacrosse game in the morning, listening to a concerto in the chapel in the afternoon, and attending a comedy set in the evening at the Cat in the Cream, we see why our daughter chose to become an Obie and how she has thrived here. We feel lucky to give to this special place that has helped her grow into an amazing adult, well-prepared to face the world.

Christine and Lance Braunstein (P ’23)

Lance Braunstein

Oberlin is a place where you are encouraged to think about the world from more than one perspective. That’s a skill that matters in life, no matter what you do. At Oberlin you can just walk down the street and hear amazing music. You don’t even have to go into the concert hall. I believe that college is a place where ideas matter. My parents’ lives were changed by being able to go to college, a chance their parents did not have.

Stephanie Connor (P’25)

Stephanie Connor

Went to my 50th reunion in May. Saw how Obie is still Obie at its core: the passionate students, the high-level research, friendly/helpful people, environmental advocacy, and how students are included in the processes. Very inspiring.

Saroj ’73 and Vinod Ghoting

The conservatory inspired me in every way to become musically what I still cherish today in myself!! Professor Radunsky was the best example of a knowledgeable mentor and a life guide.

Terri Pine-Wallace ’66

Thank you for giving students a place to grow and develop to maturity.

Jorge Pinzon (P’17)

Happy to be able to support students at my alma mater in a small way.

Joanna Itoh ’76

We are making this donation together because we love Oberlin. It is the place that brought us together.

Lisa Yanofsky ’13 and Jakob Hochendoner ’12

I give because Oberlin’s continued success is essential in supporting national democracy and international and national peace.

Dionne Powell ’80

Thanks to all the Conservatory professors, staff, and students for the fantastic performances I have enjoyed.

William Schomp, Friend of Oberlin College & Conservatory

As a development officer for a major American ballet company, I ask and answer this question (for other people) every day. Why I contribute to OC is simple and personal: I wouldn’t be the person or the professional I am today without it. I wasn’t trained, per se, to do the work that I do, but I learned how to learn, and then how to apply that information. I developed a world view and a sense of social justice that was seeded at home, but that sprouted at OC and has grown ever since. Giving is a shared responsibility. It is also part of my culture. And, it’s my way of saying ‘thank you’ to an institution that helped me to craft my identity.

Rachel Yurman ’78

I am giving with gratitude for the exceptional education Oberlin Conservatory provided me, and currently provides new generations of musicians.

Anne Tomlinson ’76

Oberlin has been good to me these past 15 years as a member of the A&PS staff. I struggled when I was an undergraduate and I want to support our students.

Anne Salsich, retired associate archivist with the Oberlin College Libraries

I choose to give back to Oberlin for the safe environment for learning and controversial discussions that Oberlin provides and provided to me.

Laurie Gutmann ’81

My daughter received a great education at Oberlin. Oberlin also provided us with a generous financial aid package. We are extremely grateful on both counts.

Lois Klein (P’21)

My Oberlin years were wonderful academically and socially, and I’d love to see Oberlin continue to provide such a high level of education in the future.

Jill Siegel-Dodd ’74

Your generosity helps Obies thrive.

A white squirrel in the grass on Tappan Square.