The Oberlin Review
November 17, 2006

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Dye Makes Pledge: Climate Neutrality

Presidential Search Continues

Presidential Search Consultant Dr. Thomas Courtice met with members of Student Senate and other interested students Tuesday night.

Also in News:
In �Major� Shift, Music Education Transitions from BM to Master�s
Off-Campus Policy Sees Some Changes
This Week in Oberlin History: Student Vietnam War Veterans Speak
Three Obies Elected in �06 Midterms
Off the Cuff: Dotan Greenvald
Conference Promotes Interest in Electoral Politics
Oberlin Joins First Video Conference
Republican Griffin Critiques Feminism


OC Loses to Allegheny, Goes 5-5

The Oberlin College football team wrapped up the 2006 season this past weekend with a 14-35 loss at Allegheny College.

XC Season Ends in Indiana

The Oberlin cross-country team traveled to Hanover, Indiana this past Saturday to compete in what turned out to be their final race of the season.

Also in Sports:
Swimming Continues to Improve
Indoor Track Returns Key Members
Women�s B-Ball Ready to Go
Men�s B-Ball Optimistic After Return of Core Group
Bowling Attends Tournament
In the Locker Room: �The Squad�