The Oberlin Review
November 10, 2006

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Democrats Come Out Ahead

It is about ten in the morning in the America Votes Lorain County headquarters, an unassuming little three-room office above First Merit Bank on the corner of Main and College.

Alum Talks Journalism

�The library was my babysitter,� began Adam Moss OC �79, editor-in-chief of New York magazine.

Also in News:
Committee Gives Hope for Sustainable Future
Student Rep Joins in Presidential Search
Censures Heat Up Senate
This Week in Oberlin History: "This disco wouldn't be as good if beer was unavailable here"
Kristol Shares Thoughts on Election
Off the Cuff: Ben Cohen
Foreign Policy Scholar Doubts Effectiveness of War with Iran
Obesity: MD Explains Science Behind Nationwide Phenomenon


Yeomen Beat Kenyon, Break Records

The Oberlin football team put together an impressive offensive display on Saturday, Nov. 4, breaking seven school records in its 56-42 triumph over the Kenyon College Lords.

Frisbee Displays Talent with Inter-Squad Game

Oberlin�s Flying Horsecows have a long history of success.

Also in Sports:
Swimming & Diving Starts 0-3
Fall Season Comes to Close for Women�s Rugby
Club Sports: Equestrian Team Performs Well in Recent Shows
In the Locker Room: Jennifer Sargrad and Catherine Wolner