College and Conservatory and foreign policy, oh my! The results of the fall 2005 Senate referendum are in, albeit several weeks later than senators would have liked. It took longer than anticipated for the majority of students to cast their votes. Complications aside, however, the Obies have finally spoken as they are wont to do � no matter how long it takes them to get around to it. Here�s what they said:
Question 1a:
Should Oberlin College establish Middle East/North Africa studies?
51.36% Yes, 26.37% No, 22.27% Abstain
Question 1b:
If Oberlin College offered classes in Arabic language, do you think you would be likely to enroll?
27.77% Yes, 60.42% No, 11.81% Abstain
Question 1c:
If Oberlin College offered more classes in Middle East/North Africa studies, do you think you would be likely to enroll in some of them?
53.69% Yes, 37.55% No, 8.77% Abstain
Question 2:
Should Oberlin College reinstate the Credit/No Entry system in place of the current Pass/No Pass system?
69.75% Yes, 19.39% No, 10.86% Abstain
Question 3:
Should practice rooms in the Conservatory be open until 2 a.m. instead of midnight?
55.55% Yes, 13.58% No, 30.88% Abstain
Question 4:
Should the Student Activity Fee increase yearly at the rate of inflation, as measured from the Consumer Price Index?
41.55% Yes, 38.04% No, 20.41% Abstain
Question 5:
Should the Student Finance Committee’s new debt policy include an automatic forgiveness of all current student organization debt?
32.67% Yes, 39.28% No, 28.05% Abstain
Question 6:
Do you think Oberlin College is currently in accordance with the environmental policy adopted by the Board of Trustees?
11.81% Yes, 36.61% No, 51.8% Abstain
Question 7:
Should all College facilities construction and renovations be required to achieve a minimum LEED environmental sustainability rating of “Gold?”
70.31% Yes, 9.97% No, 19.72% Abstain
Question 8:
Should Oberlin College establish peace/conflict resolution studies?
40.47% Yes, 39.88% No, 19.65% Abstain
Question 9:
Should the Oberlin College student health insurance program become mandatory for all students?
11.62% Yes, 74.63% No, 13.74% Abstain
Question 10:
Should the United States plan and execute the immediate withdrawal of all military forces and associated contractors from Iraq?
39.56% Yes, 29.01% No, 31.43% Abstain
Question 11:
Should student organizations receive approval for having positions with monetary compensation directly by way of student referendum?
16.26% Yes, 65.78% No, 17.95% Abstain
Question 12:
Should student organizations that have positions with monetary compensation have that compensation removed directly by way of student referendum?
13.55% Yes, 54.12% No, 32.33% Abstain
Question 13:
Should students serving on Oberlin College committees receive payment from the Student Activity Fee?
20.04% Yes, 44.69% No, 35.26% Abstain
Question 14:
If students are compensated for committee membership, should this apply to all Oberlin College committees?
17.89% Yes, 39.27% No, 42.84% Abstain
Question 15:
Should Oberlin College amend its policy of no smoking in college-owned facilities to allow for either some rooms to allow smoking or for resources to be dedicated for indoor smoking lounges?
20.92% Yes, 74.91% No, 4.17% Abstain
Question 16:
Should Article II, Section 19 of the Student Senate Constitution be changed to the following...
“Compensation for senators will be through an hourly wage, set at the minimum wage on the student employment pay scale.
a. To receive compensation, senators are expected to perform their duties as listed in Article II, section 4 (pages 25-26). Senators cease to receive wages upon removal from the Senate.
b. Senators will be paid directly from the student activity fee budget. The Senate must apply to the Student Finance Committee for any additional funding.
c. The wage provision must be reaffirmed bi-annually (every other year) by a student referendum. A minimum of 50 percent of students must vote, and a majority must approve.”