The Oberlin Review
March 4, 2005

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Oberlin's latest Strategic Planning Document (PDF)


Complications lead to Senate re-vote

A relatively new internet-based voting system and a dated constitution complicated the Student Senate Election Task Force’s already difficult job of resolving a tie during last week’s spring Student Senate election, stirring dissatisfaction among some of those involved in the current electoral process.

Planning vote still pending

After an hour and a half of wrangling over amendments, amendments to amendments and questions of procedure, the general faculty postponed their intended vote on the strategic plan until Friday.

Also in news:
Housing changes incite a discussion at trustee forum
Obies march for AIDS funds
Dye hosts a student forum
Off the Cuff: Yeworkwha Belachew
Marcy Kaptur addresses defense issues at Kendal
OberCon to expose the hidden art of the LARP
New student senators elected
Seniors polled on Oberlin experience


Tennis comes out swinging against Otterbein

The men’s tennis team pulled off their first shutout of the season when they upended Wittenberg University 7-0 last Sunday.

Yeo-Runners hit their stride at the perfect time

The Oberlin men’s and women’s indoor track and field teams had an incredibly successful final home meet last Friday night.

Also in sports:
Outside Oberlin
Springtime in Florida and steroids are in the air
A Preview to March Madness according to Moose
In the Locker Room w/ Katie Au, Shean Perry, Travis Oman

A push for residential: Trustees met with students Thursday night to discuss recently made housing decisions.


Alum’s photo show on display

Rebecca Fuchs, a recent graduate of Oberlin College, displayed her talents in a small photography show that opened last Friday in the art building’s Venturi addition.

Alumni return to Finney Chapel as members of ICE

Last Thursday evening’s Artist Recital Series concert was a welcome change from the usual for the lover of new music.

Also in arts:
M. Monk: a magnificent, mellifluous mummer
A LARGE CRITIC w/ Pete Chambers
Peter Ho Davies expresses that some literary mistakes are actually worth making
Oberlin professor releases film exploring 9/11
Phillips’s masterworks mingle with Cleveland’s art treasures
CD review: Amos Lee’s self-titled


Editorial: Optimism guides strategic plan
Editorial: Senate needs to prove integrity
Insider Edition: Freaky Fridays