Oberlin in History This week we went way, way back to the 19th Century. What we found was an
interesting weekly feature located in the back of the Review. This
feature was called De Rebus and if it was printed today would probably be
called a gossip column. Some are witty commentaries and some seem to be mere
public service announcements. However, all of them, even the cryptic ones, are
fun to picture and ponder. So enjoy this (slightly less scandalous) incarnation
of an early Obie LiveJournal Confessional! (Give them a break — it was the
October 12, 1892
The astronomy class spent some time on pleasant evenings flirting with the moon. Our scientific students think that Geology is “lots of fun,” especially the Saturday afternoon excursions...Cowles claimed he found a fossil peanut. “Capt.” Waugh has been having a rather chilly time of late. Some of the boys have recommended a blanket. The new grading and curbing in front of the Second Church is a very marked improvement. It is a work of beneficence in lessening profanity among the hack drivers. The ladies of the Geology class went to Elyria Saturday and paddled around in the semi-drizzle, after rocks. The boys were engaged in a football game, and could not go on this occasion. A number, however, went down Monday and performed the customary explorations. Manager Hogen has succeeded in getting a promise from Adelbert that the third football game, if necessary, shall be played on home grounds. Some disappointment was felt last year in the fact that no place could be found to play off the series. Members of the Athletic Association are going around for subscriptions to the football coach fund. All interested in the promotion of football and in our beating sometimes in our contests with outside colleges should give as liberally as possible. To Spear Library last Wednesday evening the Seniors and the Freshmen came, saw and were introduced to each other. There was a slight misunderstanding among some of the Freshmen as to who really belonged to that class, but affairs were speedily adjusted and a very pleasant evening was the result. No regular program of entertainment was provided, but the art of conversation was highly developed and an enjoyable time is reported by all who attended. The astronomy class made some observations from the top of Peters Hall last Friday night and, although some of the valuable time had to be wasted in waiting for the clouds to roll by in order to obtain a clear space in which to view the moon...the interim was passed in exercising the cheerful patience which characterizes the Senior class. The observations, when made, proved very satisfactory. | ![]() |
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